Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kristen Stewart Smells Like What?

It's not just Kristen Stewart's beauty, charm, charisma, talent, and intelligence that captivated Robert Pattinson. So what else is there? Why, her smell of course. Not her perfume, but her natural, quintessential scent; which is more than understandable. A woman who can still look breathtakingly beautiful even utterly without make-up must have a natural scent that's indescribable. Light and ethereal, yet powerfully sexy; definitive, but not overwhelming. Uniquely her own, yet oddly evocative of a variety of olfactory delights. Wildflowers perhaps, or a potpourri of natural spices. Or the clean fresh morning air after a light rain.

Alas, the answer is none of the above. So what does Kristen Stewart smell like?

Grass. Yes, reportedly, Robert Pattinson's lady-love smells like grass. And not the interesting kind of grass--the kind you'd smoke in
Miley Cyrus's discarded bong. Kristen Stewart smells like the regular kind of grass--the boring kind that grows out on your lawn. In fact, according to legendary Hollywood producer, Arthur Cohn, the Twilight leading lady "smells like freshly mown grass, she never uses perfume."

Well, at least now we know what Robert Pattinson's second favorite household activity will be if the Breaking Dawn couple ever buys a house. With a yard. With a lawn.

You go, K-Stew.

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